Sunday, September 25, 2011

Just One More Day

If I could have just one more day with you
I would comb your lovely gray hair
and rub the front of your aged legs
the way I did when I was small
and absorb your every move
I would 'inhale' your smile.
If I could have just one more day
I would watch you while you cooked,
I would pay attention to each wise word
and hug you with my arms, as well
as my glance.
If I could have just one more day
I would ask all kinds of things,
like what it was like when you were
young, and what Mommie and Daddy
were like as a little boy and little girl...
and I would be in rapt
attention, in love with each shared
If I could have just one more day,
I would tell you how dear you are,
how much I cherish you,
and I would thank you for being
I would sing you a song
filled with notes of gratitude,
a melody of deep respect
laced with honor and affection.
Yes, for just one more day with you
I long.
For one more day I yearn.
To be with you, my precious Grannies..
...just one more day.

© Edie Antoinette 2010

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